Yoga with Pups


Join us for “Downward Dog – Yoga with Pups!” in our outdoor space at our Chelsea Flagship Adoption Center located at 152 West 24th Street between 6th and 7th Ave.

  • Led by Karma Kids Yoga Founder and Creator, Shari Vilchez-Blatt
  • Bend and stretch with Bideawee adoptable puppies (dogs provided exclusively by Bideawee – we kindly ask you do not bring your own pets)
  • Space is limited to 25 attendees – first come, first serve
  • Classes are open to adults and children ages 8 and up (each person, including children, must register separately). All children must be accompanied by a participating adult
  • $25 donation per attendee, non-refundable, non-transferable
  • Class will be held outdoors, weather permitting. Classes will not be rescheduled if cancelled due to weather


If there are no available appointments, add your name to our wait list and we will be in contact if something opens up.