Puppy “The Vile Beast” Loveless. October 19(?), 2000-February 14, 2017. Died in my arms at Bideawee Animal Hospital with Brian J Heck, the only other person she loved (but not as much as me). She survived small cell lymphoma for 1 year and 5 months since diagnosis in August 2015 under the care of the good doctors at the Animal Hospital at Bideawee (MH). I’m so proud of her. Puppy’s hobbies included hogging the bed, doggedly ignoring her dairy allergy, thus making my eating anything dairy an exercise in futility for me, stealing tortilla chips from the bag, disapproving of my other cat Dean, and sleeping on the stove. In her later years, although she mellowed somewhat, her failure to express disapproval at someone or some animal was a sign she wasn’t feeling well. I knew the end was near when I was able to eat ice cream next to her and she showed no interest. Although she had no front claws, Puppy used her sharp teeth and calculated growl to declare herself one not to be messed with. She once spent a week at a clinic post-op and they offered me falconry gloves to get her out of the cattery. To their shock, I did not need them. There is nothing to compare to being loved by an animal that hates everyone else. Rest in Peace, Vile Beast.