The Pet Memorial Parks at Bideawee have been the final resting place for more than 72,000 beloved pets—including a few famous and rather unexpected ones!
Use the interactive map below to explore the grave sites of some of our more unusual pets virtually, or stop by and pick up a map outside the Pet Memorial Park office so you can stroll the grounds in person on Sundays-Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
1A – President Richard Nixon’s dog, Checkers
– Every September 23rd is designated National Dogs in Politics Day, which is also known as Checkers Day. (plot# 5_A_38D)
1B – Eight pets of Bideawee’s Founder, Flora D’Auby Jenkins Kibbe – Beau “the inspiration of the Bideawee Home”, Beauty, Jappy, Queenie, Wu Chang, Cosette, Tango, and Kissette. (plot# 3_A_1)
2A – Sarge – Belgian Shepherd, army hero of WWII Canine Corps, with medals and citations for valor above and beyond the call of duty. (plot# 1_O_33)
2B – Tuffy – US K-9 Corps (plot# 3_H_35)
2C – Thor Von Norseland – 48th Infantry Dog (plot# 16_J_84)
3A – Duke and Duke II – East Meadow Fire Dept. Dalmatians (plot# 9_B_27)
3B – Boots, Buckeye and Lady – Hook and Ladder Company # 42 (plot# 1_H_49)
3C – Rescue Marie – FDNY Rescue Unit (plot# 18_G_5)
4A – Rhea – Guiding Eyes graduate who gave 8 years of service to the blind (plot# 16_M_155)
4B – Nikki and Harley – Seeing Eye Dogs (plot# 16_D_2F)
4C – Trieve and Patsy – Seeing Eye Guides (plot# 3_I_6)
Speedbump was a 40-year-old giant tortoise. It took 3 men to bury him! Speedbump has a very interesting monument: a bench held up by (2) turtles
Sebastian was a 14-year-old black faced Capuchin monkey. The black faced Capuchin is known as one of the most intelligent monkeys. There is an image of Sebastian on the monument.
Pyewacket was described by its owners as the most loving pet! There is an image of a duck inscribed on the monument and a wooden painted white duck in front of the monument .
Pettit Family Horses:
Fanny, 34 year old horse
Nancy, 25 year old pony
Pepper 31 years old pony
Buried by the Pettit family in the 1930’s.