When I visited Bideawee six years ago, after my last cat passed, I knew I wanted another pet but wasn’t totally set on one in particular. I saw a few kittens, and was then introduced to Kirby, who had been there for about three years, was older (six-years-old) had some chronic stomach issues, and was pretty reserved, so not a huge draw for most. I didn’t mind an adult cat and decided then and there that I really couldn’t let him stay in a shelter environment any longer. He was clearly cared for at Bideawee, but a shelter is not a long-term home.
I brought Kirby home that day, and after the initial scan of his new apartment, it didn’t take long for Kirby to cuddle up to me on the sofa. We’ve had a few mishaps, but nothing that we couldn’t work through. I can’t even imagine what his life was like prior to arriving at Bideawee and I firmly believe that patience, stability, and love goes a long way for any animal. In his time with me, he’s really become a different cat…he’s still a bit anxious, but is also now very “talkative,” will cuddle up with you (until he’s had enough) and has a healthy appetite. Rescuing a pet is so rewarding, especially when you see them transform upon receiving the love, comfort, and security they deserve!