This Month’s Features
Pet of the Week: Mr. Bubbler & Phobos
Bubbler came into our lives first, through what a lot of people would probably refer to as divine intervention. My senior dog had passed away in March of 2019 from cancer, and by July of 2019, I was longing to love something furry again. My fiancé and I both work full time and since this was pre-COVID, were out of the apartment for long stretches of the day. We love dogs but knew it wouldn’t be fair to keep one inside all day. After scrolling through numerous adoptable animals, I spotted Mr. Bubbler and immediately began to tear up. The very next day, he came home with me.
Fostering a Future Approach to Animal Welfare
Until the COVID-19 pandemic turned her life around, Pumpkin, a feisty orange and white tabby knew only an animal shelter as home for eight long years. Scrambling to clear our shelters amid stay-at-home orders, we were able to place Pumpkin in foster care where she adapted to home life and was adopted by her forever family a few weeks later.
Now, as interest in fostering remains high, we must build on this momentum and tweak our approach to animal welfare so that we can save even more dogs and cats for decades to come.
Focus on FCI: Kitten Season is Coming!
With spring just around the corner, “kitten season” is only a few weeks away! Every March, longer days and warmer weather inspire more cats to breed in the Northeast, and more kittens are born on our streets. Whether you want to be ready to help orphaned kittens in your neighborhood, or you’re interested in fostering bottle-babies or older kittens in need of socialization, this free webinar is for you.
Kibbe Spotlight – Susan Deangelis-Pfeffer
My passion for animal welfare began in childhood when I thought of becoming a veterinarian. My career took a different path, however, until, in the last years before my normal retirement date, I decided to act on my childhood dream. Bideawee gave me that opportunity when they hired me as a supervisor in their animal hospital.
Pick of the Litter: Empress
Picked by: Adriana Aguirre, Adoption Associate
My Pick of the Litter is Empress. Empress is fun, full of life, and bonds strongly with her people. She loves going on adventures, romping around in the park and playing fetch. She can play for hours on end and is a total goofball, so her antics are bound to put a smile on your face! Spending time with her brings out the child in me and I always look forward to seeing her. Empress also has a major soft side, and she loves cuddling with me and showering me with kisses! It’s hard to understand why she’s been at the shelter for as long as she has. She takes a little time to warm up to new people, but once she does, you can expect a BFF for life.

Name: Sunny. Age: 1.5 years old. Resides in: South Slope, Brooklyn. Favorite Activity: Three-way tie between wrestling with her buddies at the South Slope Dog Run, getting dogs to chase her in the Prospect Park Neathermead, and sleeping with her head resting on a human's legs. Favorite Food: Whatever gets dropped while her human cooks. Celebrity Spirit Animal: Tina Turner: Killer legs, commands attention when she enters a room, and has endless energy. Plus, they're both timeless beauties. Least Favorite Phrase: Time for a bath! Favorite Phrase: Should we go to the park?