Thank you for submitting the locations of your managed TNR colonies to Bideawee’s Feral Cat Initiative!
This information shows us where Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) already is being done and helps us identify where TNR outreach still may be needed.
Submitting the locations of your managed colonies also can help save the lives of your eartipped cats should they be brought to an Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) shelter. As you may know, alerts go out when an eartipped cat arrives at ACC. If we have the names and current contact information of caretakers in the area where a cat was trapped, we can help reunite that displaced cat with his/her caretaker and home. Additionally, knowing where colonies are being managed allows us to reach out to nearby caretakers if help is needed with a local community cat situation.
Your colony locations will be kept strictly confidential.
Your efforts are critical to the lives of stray and feral community cats. We thank you for offering your time and skills to reduce the number of kittens born on the streets, and to help some of our most vulnerable feline friends lead healthier, more comfortable lives!
Important Note: This collection of information by Bideawee’s Feral Cat Initiative is independent of any colony information you may submit to Neighborhood Cats’ Cat Stats NYC database. You should continue to update your Cat Stats NYC records.